Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Color me green
For if I was green I would be more easily seen
More easily heard amongst all the noise of color
Light skinned, dark skinned, brown skin, pale
Massive attack like in a thunderstorm of hail
We look at each other and see shades of one another
Deciding who is better because of our color
Judging each other and making assumptions
our great Dr. King asked for us not to be judged by the color of our skin
yet we ignorantly and most times knowingly judge one another
So color me green, my favorite color
For I’d rather be seen as a blade of grass glistening after a spring time rain
Or a leap frog most appealing to a curious child
Even a crayon used to bring color to the gray areas
Than to be packaged in a category by my shade of brown
Though sometimes hard to believe we still have this discussion
It is so eminent among those of us that are separated by a shade
So why don’t we try comparing hearts?
We can judge whose love is big enough to love regardless of color
Regardless of shade
Regardless of complexion
It’ll be a winning race based on face, hearts, and minds
One where no one is better than the next
One where every shade of brown is accepted as equal amongst all the brown people
It’s not so hard so why don’t we try?
It’s never ok to turn a blind eye
So join with me as we say dabber Dee
To the restrictions we place on our selves
 the stereotypes we’ve created, that makes you think you are better than me
Until then I say color me green
Just until we can see past shades and you can see me for me

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